With the different technological resources that appear every day, there are more and more possibilities to improve the performance of a team. They promote the work optimization, reduce wear and tear and enable greater profitability, both for the company and for the employees themselves. Just know the tools available and know how to apply them to your context.

Different technologies are more or less suitable for each segment of the market, as they are aimed at different solutions. An ore extraction company does not prioritize the same technological resources as an infoproduct store. However, considering the business world at large, there are certain tools that fit any company.

That said, here's a list of seven technologies that ensure your employees' work is optimized over time. Follow:


Thanks to the wide connection provided by the internet, most professionals are already able to do business with people almost anywhere in the world. However, in addition to agreeing on sales, purchases and partnerships, it is also important that those involved discuss in a practical way the actions that are taken within the team and that everyone has access to these decisions.

In the past, to coordinate a project in a very distant location, it was necessary to go on a business trip. But, as the cost of travel and accommodation is very high, the company may not be able to afford it all. At this point, the ideal is to look for other options, especially voice chats. With them, it is possible to set up meetings with teams located in different countries, without generating any additional cost and without needing a large organizational logistics.


As cloud computing solutions are among the main ones for the optimization of the work in Many companies. And one of them is the possibility of remotely accessing a company's machine, through applications such as Team Viewer. Considering that most large companies already have a server of their own, this solution can be relatively easy to implement.

Remote access to a machine is ideal for teams that don't have the ability to travel. Support teams use this feature to perform procedures on company computers remotely, while other members can use the same tool to continue work in other locations, such as different company headquarters or even from home.


Another cloud computing solution is the storage of information in the cloud, that is, on a shared server that allows multiple accesses. This feature is already widely used in people's daily lives, with sites like Dropbox and Google Drive, which makes it more familiar to your employees.

Its relationship with the optimization of work is mainly focused on the ease of sharing. Instead of having to copy the file and place it on all machines individually, just send an access link to a shared folder. That way, any edits or updates made to the file will be instantly accessible to everyone.


The amount of data that needs to be collected and analyzed within any company is considerably large, which is a lot of work to do manually. However, no entrepreneur can refuse to make this analysis, since these data cannot be lost because of its importance for business decision making.

As the search for this information is a repetitive and long-lasting task, the most appropriate thing is to delegate it to a machine, which can perform it faster and with better efficiency. Management software, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), among others, is used for this. Through these tools, it is possible to make decisions faster and with a greater degree of efficiency.


One of the simplest features that can streamline work within a team is sharing schedules. Work in harmony with other employees is one of the main requirements to maximize the efficiency of any project. Without proper communication, it's quite likely that everyone spends more time aligning than actually accomplishing the project.

Sharing schedules considerably reduces this time, as any consultation of your colleagues' appointments can be done quickly. Likewise, the applications used here can issue alarms and send reminders regarding deadlines for certain tasks, create checklists, among other features.


The use of applications for mobile devices is one of the great trends in the market today. But they don't just serve to better serve the external public. They also contribute to optimizing the work of your employees. Depending on the type of follow-up you work on, this might be the best solution.

There are two options here: you can either look for an application available on the market that meets your demand, or you can develop one within your own company so that it fits your needs perfectly. The first option requires less upfront investment, but remember to research and test before deploying a large-scale solution.


It is no longer necessary to purchase a new set of hardware to gain access to a new machine. To take full advantage of the resources and servers already available, many entrepreneurs already invest in virtual machines, which are like different computers within the same set of hardware.

Each one can have its own operating system, settings, folders, dedicated processing, among other particularities. It's a simple way to make the most of the devices you have and still make sure that each employee has a machine perfectly suited to their type of work. This is all at a relatively lower cost when compared to purchasing and setting up a new computer.

Now that you know more technologies for optimizing your employees' work, it's time to invest and modernize your company. Do you always want to receive our news? So follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to receive our content first hand.
