The protection of company data is a job of vital importance for the maintenance of any organization. Both large businesses and small entrepreneurs need to protect themselves against data loss in companies, or they may have serious problems with their processes and services.

There are several things that can affect the storage of data within a company. Hacker attacks, malware, human errors, etc. Not taking precautions against these eventualities can cause the loss of customer bank details, confidential company information or simply some work already completed but not delivered, which will need to be redone.

To avoid this type of problem within your business, here are seven practical tips to prevent data loss in companies. Follow:


The most basic rule to prevent your business data from being lost is to have multiple forms of storage. This redundancy allows that even if one of the sources is compromised, it is still possible to access the data without difficulties. When it comes to information that is very important to the functioning of the company, it is best that it is always available.

These multiple forms of storage can be quite different. Ideally, there should first be copies of the data on different hardware. If your company has its own set of servers, there must be more than one folder. Thus, whenever one of the files is compromised, the next one can be triggered and the company's processes will not be interrupted.


Another way to avoid data loss in companies is to have a shared cloud storage system. Many companies adopt this solution not only because it makes it easier to share information, but also because it can make it difficult to track it. Third-party servers have their own encryption and security protocols, which are usually quite sophisticated, to stop any attack.

Likewise, data stored in the cloud can be retrieved from any location, which makes it much easier to restore services. Thus, when there is an invasion of the system or it is necessary to disable some machines to prevent a virus from spreading, it will be possible to continue the work on other equipment.


The loss of data in companies, in most cases, is a consequence of a failure in the company's security schemes. Probably because of low quality and/or outdated anti-virus and anti-malware software. These are relatively easy to fix vulnerabilities, which makes them high on any list.

The same goes for firewall schemes and encryptions used. Cyber ​​threats are in a constant process of specialization and improvement. If your company doesn't develop new ways to avoid them, they will soon outgrow your ability to prevent and/or remedy them. Even something unrelated, such as old management software, can cause problems in data storage and compromise the company's performance.


Not all data loss in companies is caused by malicious actions or external factors. Most problems related to information storage can be caused by human error. Files placed in the wrong folders, organization issues, opening suspicious emails, opening or closing programs while processing data can all be a doorway to some passive threat or opportunity for a loss.

Therefore, it is important that each employee knows how to correctly use the available tools. Thus, the risk of loss will be considerably lower. Likewise, it is possible to train them to react correctly in the face of some possibility of threat. Understanding when it's time to call the support team or not can save a lot of work time and avoid multiple losses.


As we have already mentioned, a good part of data loss in companies can be avoided with preventive actions. One of them is to use data monitoring tools. Simply put, this technology is used to monitor the flow of information within the company, actively looking for flaws and vulnerabilities. Once found, the team can dedicate themselves to fixing them.

Data monitoring does not resolve failures on its own. It may be necessary to make corrections, change settings, seek new tools, among other measures. But having an active monitoring scheme prevents any threat from installing itself undetected.


The chances that some data loss will occur in companies is directly related to the quality of the tools that are adopted. Different data solutions almost always involve more or less structured protocols, which can make it difficult or easier for any threat to enter, as well as the possibilities for human error. Very complex management software is difficult to master and creates more opportunities for errors.

Considering these factors when hiring an outsourced storage solution or when looking for their own systems for this purpose is very important. Check which features suit your needs and which security level meets the risks of your business. This investment will make all the difference in the event of an incident.


It is important to remember that any company's data storage systems must be accompanied by a dedicated technical team. It can be hired by the company itself or be outsourced, but it must always be present. The performance of these specialists is what will allow quick updates and adjustments, minimizing risks.

In addition, it is important to have at least one in-house professional specialized in IT sector to deal with outsourced teams. He will be able to act as a representative of your business, better understanding the demands and maximizing the positive effect of these solutions within the company's processes.

Now that you know how to prevent data loss in companies, you can start implementing these solutions. Do you think these tips can help other people to prevent themselves? So, share this post on your social networks and show how it is possible to avoid data storage problems in everyday business.
