[eBook] What is Application Performance Monitoring and what is it for

In today's digital economy, an application is not just part of a business — in most cases, é the core business of a company. That's why performance/performance issues create headaches for IT teams and significant obstacles to business growth and profitability. 

What's more, outside the enterprise, consumer expectations for application performance are changing. Today, people want seamless digital experiences on demand, and any issues they face must be resolved in real time.  

Fortunately, today's technology is evolving as rapidly as consumer expectations, especially in the performance monitoring space. But understanding the breadth and depth of an APMC solution can pose a small challenge.

To acclimate you to this theme, we have produced anvery complete book, which you can download by clicking on the banner below.

In this material you will see:

  • what is application performance monitoring;
  • what application performance monitoring services measure;
  • why you should consider implementing this service;
  • tips for structuring this strategy in your company;
  • and much, much more!

Download right now!

Application Performance Monitoring eBook
