Application Performance Monitoring: how to make the most of it in your company?

O Application Performance Monitoring (APMC) is a detection and tracking method to ensure that everything, in terms of technology, is working as it should. 

At a basic level, APMC can be something of a tool for regularly testing application load times. A more comprehensive approach includes CPU monitoring, error rate analysis, and traffic monitoring, while taking a proactive approach to identifying potential issues. 

More advanced systems integrate with multiple languages ​​and frameworks, track transactions and provide detailed insights to ensure issues are detected and fixed quickly.

Often, many companies already have the right APMC tools and services and competent individuals to improve their overall business operations, but lack the knowledge of how to create procedures that make this possible. 

With that in mind, we decided to bring some tips in this article. Check out some ways to improve productivity with APMC below!

How to improve productivity with Application Performance Monitoring

Monitor things out of your control

While being in charge of apps can make you feel like you're in complete control, that's not always the case. There are always external factors to consider when monitoring application performance. 

You see this often, for example, when the selling site fails due to an unforeseen flow of traffic.

You can't control every variable, but you can control what happens as a result and what processes are implemented to deal with these issues in the future. 

Learning from your mistakes or shortcomings is a way to improve productivity in all areas of your business beyond the APMC.

Put yourself in the user's shoes

Our modern society has a very limited attention span. It only takes a few mistakes for a user to get frustrated and uninstall your app or leave your website and never visit it again. 

One way to stay productive is to always put yourself in the user's chair; User experience is the heart and soul of the business.

Constantly strive to do right by the user. Maintaining this philosophy with a DevOps approach will ensure that the workflow remains smooth and sustainable with the end user in mind.

Identify key performance indicators and targets

In addition to identifying which metrics should be evaluated for monitoring, it is also essential that you assign target numbers and goals to be achieved. 

For example, optimal load time and user duration goals. Regarding bug tracking, you might have an error threshold or a time target for correction. 

These numbers give team members something to work on and help identify if a part of the APMC process is not working as it should.

Automate when possible

Don't just identify and track system errors – configure your APM tools to take corrective action and set alerts. 

Alerts can identify when the shadow of an issue arises, so you know where to turn your attention to correct course. 

Create automation that will change your application when specific issues are identified, to act as a band-aid while you focus your attention on solving the route issue. 

These methods keep you on track, ensuring that the user is not affected.

→ Delve further into this topic. Download right now the eBook we launched with everything you need to know about Application Performance Monitoring!

Application Performance Monitoring eBook