[eBook] Auto Scaling: How to use auto scaling in your business

Auto Scaling, or autoscaling, is a feature that allows organizations to automatically scale up or scale down cloud services, such as server capacities or virtual machines, based on defined situations, such as traffic utilization levels. 

Key autoscaling features also enable lower cost and reliable performance by continually increasing and decreasing new instances as demand rises and falls. In this way, autoscaling provides consistency despite dynamic and sometimes unpredictable application demand.

The overall benefit of autoscaling is that it eliminates the need to manually respond in real-time to traffic spikes that warrant new resources and instances by automatically changing the active number of servers. Each of these servers requires configuration, monitoring, and decommissioning, which is the core of autoscaling.

For example, when such a spike is caused by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, it can be difficult to recognize.

→ Want to understand in depth the topic of autoscaling? Then download a complete eBook that we have prepared.

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