AWS Serverless: The Benefits of Serverless Architecture

AWS Serverless, AWS' serverless architecture is a way to build and run services and applications without having to manage infrastructure. 

The users application still runs on servers, but the servers are managed by AWS. So it's a method that provides support for backend services. 

Also, users pay based on their calculations, and nothing else is charged just for the services used. Although they are called serverless, physical servers are still used, but developers do not need to be aware of this. 

Keep reading to understand!

Why Use AWS Serverless Architecture 

AWS' serverless architecture offers several advantages over traditional server-centric or cloud-based infrastructure. 

For example, it gives developers greater scalability, faster launch, more flexibility, all at a reduced cost, as the user pays only for the services they use. 

So a developer can focus on their core product rather than juggling between managing and operating servers or runtimes and developing the application. Helps to decrease latency.

But there's more!

User can easily build a serverless application with an automated deployment pipeline in the console of the AWS Lambda

AWS services integrated with AWS SAM are used to automate deployments. AWS SAM helps you deploy new versions of the Lambda function and automatically creates aliases that point to the latest version. 

If graduated rollouts are enabled through AWS SAM, a CodeDeploy resource is automatically created for the user. 

AWS Serverless Architecture Core Services 

There are several services for AWS Serverless Computing, some of them are listed below!

Serverless computing services 

AWS Serverless provides the AWS Lambda which allows the user to run code without managing servers, and the user pays only for the calculations used. 

Lambda Edge allows the user to run Lambda functions on AWS edge locations in response to events from the Amazon CloudFront AWS Fargate is a serverless computing engine built for containers. 

It helps to scale and manage the infrastructure needed to run the user box.

Serverless storage services

The Amazon S3 provides a development team with durable, secure, and highly scalable object storage. It's easy to use and portable.

O Amazon EFS offers pure, scalable and elastic file storage. It is self-adjusting and grows and shrinks as per user demand.

Serverless data storage services

AWS provides Amazon DynamoDB which is a fast and flexible No-SQL database service for all applications; it needs millisecond latency at any scale.

Already Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand autoscale setting (MySQL compatible system). This database will start and shut down automatically. The system will be sized according to the needs of the user's application.

API proxy services 

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to build, maintain, publish, monitor and secure APIs at any scale. 

Gateways allow processing thousands of simultaneous API calls and help the user to handle traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring and API version management.

Application Integration Services 

  • Amazon SNS — Fully managed pub/sub messaging service that helps decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.
  • Amazon SQS — Fully managed messaging that helps decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.
  • AWS AppSync — helps simplify application development by allowing you to build a flexible GraphQL API, helps secure access, manipulation, and combines data from one or more data sources.
  • Amazon EventBridge — event bus service for serverless computing that helps facilitate accessing application data from multiple sources and sending it to the user's AWS environment.

Orchestration Services 

  • AWS Step Functions — helps facilitate coordination of distributed application components and microservices; it uses visual workflows for the same.

analysis services 

  • Amazon Kinesis — used to stream data into AWS. Kinesis offers great services to help load and analyze streaming data.
  • Amazon Athens —interactive service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena has no server.

Developer tools services 

AWS provides tools and services that help developers through the process of developing serverless applications. 

Such as tools for continuous integration, delivery, testing, deployment, monitoring and diagnostics, SDKs, frameworks and integrated development environment plugins.

Benefits of using the AWS Serverless architecture

The serverless architecture of AWS is a boon as it helps the developer to focus all their power on development rather than worrying about deploying and managing servers. 

It can be used to run or build any modern application and increases agility while helping to reduce the cost of your product.

Below is a summary of the main benefits:

  • Servers don't need attention for installation and maintenance.
  • Payment is according to the transfer fee, making it value for money.
  • You can choose appropriate settings as per need. your product, paying only for the features you use.
  • Helps the developer to only focus on the code, giving you enough time to innovate the program or interact with customers to get customer feedback, thereby increasing time to market.
  • You can write code and, when you finish everything, you can deploy the system immediately, and it will be available to the world within minutes. So, there is no need to make any effort to create and manage servers.

How about, can we show you the benefits of the AWS Serverless architecture? If you need help implementing it in your company, contact us! To delve further into the topic, Download the Serverless Computing eBook now!

Serverless Computing eBook
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