In today's technology environment, existing applications need to be updated at an ever-increasing pace if they are to keep up with the speed of technological development. In this process, complications often arise between developers and operational teams. Fortunately, the DevOps approach can fix this problem. But what exactly is DevOps? And how important is this for your company?
The following article is intended to explain more about DevOps and how it can affect your hosting management.
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How did the DevOps approach come about?
More than a methodology for software development, DevOps is a necessary culture to meet the current needs of companies that develop software, websites, applications and manage IT.
With the traditional waterfall model, the requirements for the software were clear and well defined in advance. The definition of the products themselves has also been stable for many years. But the IT world is rapidly changing. Requirements change very often and software must be developed at an ever-increasing pace.
Not only do software and web applications need to go to market faster, but it must also be possible to constantly update them, easily add new features, and fix any bugs found. This leads to the agile development model.
After all, what is DevOps?
However, the developer team shouldn't be the only one to react quickly and efficiently; operational staff, who need to deploy and monitor the new applications, must also react in the same way. This leads to the DevOps approach. Many people associate this term with closer collaboration between developers, the creators of a product, and the “ops,” the operational team that handles releasing, deploying, operating, and monitoring the software—in other words, the IT team.
Everyone (developers and system administrators, as well as network managers and business analysts) is now part of the same team. And they all work toward a common goal: the success of the entire project — not just theirs. And that's where the need to use DevOps to manage hosting more efficiently comes in.
How does DevOps improve my hosting efficiency?
Efficiency increases by speeding up the development process and making it less error-prone. There are many ways to automate DevOps tasks. Continuous Integration Servers automate the code testing process, reducing the amount of manual work required. This means software engineers can focus on completing tasks that cannot be automated.
Acceleration tools like DevOps are also an opportunity to increase efficiency. For example:
• Scalable infrastructures such as cloud-based platforms increase teams' access to hardware resources. As a result, testing and deployment operations accelerate.
• Build acceleration tools can be used to compile code faster.
• Parallel workflows can be built into the continuous delivery chain to avoid delays.
• Using a common environment avoids the pointless task of transferring data between environments. This means you don't have to use one environment for development, a different environment for testing, and a third for deployment.
Managing human resources in their competencies and significantly reducing IT costs are also among the most evident advantages of DevOps for hosting management. That's why Flexa and Elo Backup are leaders in Cloud Backup, a low-cost, high-reliability service that includes Ransomware protection in Backup.
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