DevOps culture: how to develop it in your company

The movement DevOps is about building collaboration between developers and operations. It is more than the adoption of tools and methods: it is a culture that needs to be developed in the organization.

Now, how to do this? What are the first steps in that direction? 

That's what we're going to show you in this article. Follow up!

9 steps to develop DevOps culture in your company

Here are nine best practices that can help you on your journey to effectively adopt DevOps in your organization.

1. Cultivate an open culture

It all starts with culture. You cannot force people to change. You need to lead by example and convince your team that DevOps is worth it. 

Make sure professionals feel valued and listened to so they are more open-minded. DevOps requires high commitment from everyone involved. 

It's not just about releasing software faster, it's also about making the work environment better and more fun. Your team will need to be responsive as you can't just tell them they need to work differently. 

Choose your battles and only go as far as the team feels comfortable. If you're dealing with a reluctant workforce, consider involving HR early in the process.

2. Be practical

DevOps is about proactively looking for issues and solving them before they become a problem. You can't be left out when it comes to DevOps; the only way your team can embrace you is to do just that, by getting involved. 

Don't wait for problems to be reported; contact the team directly and ask if everything is going well. 

That way, you can get warning signs before they turn into major issues that affect your ability to release software.

3. Get support from senior management

The DevOps transformation doesn't start from the bottom up. You need full support from senior management to get your team ready and willing to embrace change. 

At first there will be resistance, so you need to stay strong and convince them that this is the way to go.

4. Review your processes

DevOps aims to eliminate waste and automate processes to increase your ability to deliver software. 

Make sure manual work in your organization is essential. And eliminate non-value-added practices and focus on high-priority tasks.

5. Automate your deployments

One of the pillars of DevOps is automation, which means you need to get rid of manual processes whenever you can. 

This not only saves time and money, but also eliminates room for human error. Automate your deployments as much as possible.

6. Create self-service platforms

Give developers the tools to work autonomously. 

Build self-service platforms that allow them to provision their test and production environments, configure dependencies, and establish a continuous integration/delivery pipeline on their own.

7. Encourage collaboration

DevOps is all about collaboration, not just between development and operations teams, but with others as well. 

So you need everyone to do their part for this approach to work.

8. Make it visible

Visibility is another important factor in DevOps. Collect metrics in real time and make them accessible to the entire enterprise. 

That way, everyone can see how things are going and quickly see if something isn't right.

9. Start

Last but not least, get started. 

DevOps is a new way of working and it's not easy for everyone. You need to be proactive, willing to accept change, and open to criticism if you want your team to make the change.

→ Go deeper into this topic; download the eBook

Count on Flexa Cloud

Founded in 2008, Flexa IT started as a software development company. Then, always attuned to the market, in 2013 it entered into a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

With a flag planted in the future, Flexa IT has become a national reference company in the cloud.

In 2017, it changed its name to Flexa Cloud, definitively consolidating its vocation to help companies on their journey to the cloud.

With a broad vision, Flexa's services always consider the following pillars:

  • Operational Excellence;
  • Safety;
  • Reliability;
  • Performance efficiency;
  • Cost optimization.

Today, after hundreds of successful cases, Flexa Cloud has positioned itself as a company with the expertise to safely lead organizations on their journey to the cloud.

In the wake of the quest to provide the best experience to our customers, Flexa Cloud has made strategic partnerships over time that aim to complement its service portfolio, namely:

  • New Relic;
  • Bit Defender;
  • Mattillion;
  • Dataguise.

The experience accumulated in the various implementations carried out since 2013, shortens paths and brings a consistent robustness in the delivery of services. 

The implementation stage is structured based on project management best practices and has ITIL as the basis for services in the support stage.

If that wasn't enough, our employees are trained and certified, which provides the necessary peace of mind on this journey. 

Here at Flexa Cloud, our basic premise is the customer. Therefore, our services seek to enchant them, making them the biggest promoter of our brand.

make contact, we will be delighted to take your company to the clouds!
