Migration to free databases: get rid of 'unplanned partners'!

Currently, migrating to free databases is a natural path for most companies. That's because as the business grows, the licensing costs for proprietary databases increase.

What many organizations end up feeling is that they start to deal with true “unwanted partners”. 

Here at Flexa Cloud, we are in the final stages of two migrations from proprietary banks to free banks, and that's why we decided to bring this topic to our blog.

The idea is that, by the end of this reading, you have understood the feasibility of migrating to free databases. 

Check it out!

When databases become “partners” of your company

Database management is about tracking and organizing, a very important part of running a business. 

Mostly small and medium businesses rely on databases for better inventory management, for example. 

Databases help manage a large amount of data and help users to do more than one task at a time. They store all the pertinent details about the company like employee records, transaction records, salary details etc.

It is also interesting to note that databases have several methods to ensure the security of corporate information. There are user logins required before accessing them and various access specifiers.

Now, one cannot fail to take into account that with the growth of the business, databases end up occupying a high relevance. And they also increase expenses, require the hiring of dedicated employees or specialized services.

It is in this sense that many IT and business managers end up feeling that proprietary databases have become “unplanned partners”. Licensing costs rise when more capacity—and more security mechanisms—are needed.

This results in a little frustration, as the idea is precisely to rely on technology to reduce expenses and “headaches”. No company wants to spend more and have more worries when investing in technological solutions.

The benefits of migrating to free databases

That's why more and more companies have migrated to free databases. They typically migrate primarily from Oracle and SQL to Postgre and MySql for a number of benefits.

Check out the advantages of this approach below!


Also known as open source databases, free databases are basically allow users to build a system based on their unique requirements and business needs. They are free and can also be shared. 

In this type of database, the source code can be modified to match any user preference.

Greater analytical power

Open source databases address the need to analyze data from an increasing number of new applications at a lower cost. 

The deluge of social media and the Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in an era of massive data that needs to be collected and analyzed. Data is only valuable if a company can analyze it to find useful patterns or real-time insights. 


The flexibility and cost-effectiveness of open source database software has revolutionized database management systems.

The most common open source databases are generally:

  • key-value databases — stores key and value data in memory for quick lookup.
  • document databases — stores document information.
  • wide column storage databases – similar to key-value with a large number of columns. They are suitable for analyzing large data sets.
  • graphical databases — explore the relationships that tie data together, allowing you to quickly execute complex queries across millions of connections. Use cases include recommendations, social media and fraud detection.

Here at Flexa, we've been helping companies move to open source databases. We do this by studying business needs and implementing AWS solutions that deliver scalability, performance, and availability at a fraction of the traditional cost. 

Discover the case of Saipos, who switched from Oracle to PostgreSQL and achieved a 30% reduction in monthly database expenses!

Have you ever thought about migrating to free databases? Go deeper into this topic; download the eBook right now MIGRATION TO FREE DATABASES!
