What is Container and what are the benefits of this technology?

What is container? What is the main difference between container and virtual machine? What are the advantages of using this technology?

These are the questions that David Bitti, chief scientist at Flexa Cloud, responded in the video you'll see below.

Check it out!

What is Container

“What is container and how can we use this technology to modernize our applications?

Container is, basically, you take everything your application needs to 'live' and exist and play in a single file. That way, you guarantee that the application will run, no matter what version of technology you are using.

If the application is containerized, any environment that supports Docker container, for example, will be able to run it”.

Differences between Container and Virtual Machine

“The main difference between a container and a virtual machine is that in the virtual machine, you take a computer and 'slice' it into several pre-established 'pieces'. 

So you have a server, for example, with four CPUs and 16 gigs of RAM. You can create four servers in there with a single CPU and 4 gigs of RAM. 

Some virtualization technologies even allow you to overused — slice the machine into 'chunks' larger than the sum of the total machine. That's more or less it: you are sharing the machine.

In the container, you use the CPU itself and the kernel that is already running on your machine. When you take, for example, an application in PHP and transform it into a container, it is as if you were transforming the entire application (the entire environment) into an executable, which the host operating system can run as if it were a program. Thus, the application loading time drops drastically, compared to a virtual machine.

And as your application is already running in the dynamics of the operating system, memory management is performed as if it were a native application”.

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