In a scenario where cyberattacks escalate frantically, prepared organizations avoid financial and image losses.
Recently, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency released more than 60 new breaches that governments and businesses need to shut down to prevent cyberattacks. This is because in 2021, an exponential increase in intrusions and data hijackings was detected, especially in systems connected to the internet.
The concerns of the body linked to the defense of the greatest global power are in line with what the news points out day after day: companies of all sizes and in the most varied segments are victims of fraud in systems and sensitive data, which generates financial and of image.
So much so that 8 out of 10 Brazilian companies plan to increase their investments to defend information, according to a study by the PwC. In practice, what they are doing is increasing their Threat Intelligence, which, in short, is about dealing in a methodical way against the imminence of attacks to which they are constantly subjected.
For Gartner, the world's largest Information Technology (IT) research and consulting firm, Threat Intelligence “is evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications, and action-oriented advice about an existing or emerging to assets”.
In other words, a company that invests in Threat Intelligence works to prevent or mitigate attacks on its data. It does this from the context: who is attacking — or might be attacking — what are their motivations and resources, and what indicators of compromise in the systems should be performed.
Types of Threat Intelligence
As a strategy, but also as a technological framework to install it, Threat Intelligence can be divided into three types:
- Strategic threat intelligence: provides a broad overview of the organization's threat landscape; it is intended to inform high-level decisions made by executives — as such, the content is often less technical and is presented through reports or briefings.
- Tactical threat intelligence: describes threat actors' tactics, techniques, and procedures; it should help defenders understand, in specific terms, how the company can be attacked and the best ways to defend against or mitigate those attacks.
- Operational threat intelligence: is knowledge about cyber attacks, events or campaigns; provides expert insights that help incident response teams understand the nature, intent, and timing of specific attacks.
Threat Intelligence is a specialized approach
However, anyone who thinks that it is possible to increase threat intelligence without external collaboration is wrong.
On the contrary, specialized help is needed to identify vulnerabilities, find loopholes or limitations and draw up a strategic plan for prevention, damage containment or restoration — in the event of a successful attack.
What are your company's cybersecurity vulnerabilities? To what degree are networks, systems and organizational information protected today?
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