Have you ever wondered if your company's data ends up in the wrong hands?

From the moment your dedicated server suffers some kind of attack, you run the risk of your data ending up in the wrong hands and your business being completely harmed. In the cloud, however, there is a security system that makes it almost impossible for hackers to invade, allowing you to focus your efforts only on growing your business.

When you fall victim to a ransomware attack, the biggest direct damage you can take is the loss of files, since, until a ransom is paid, the virus encrypts them. It is worth remembering that victims do not always have their documents decrypted even after payment.

In this case, the best alternative is to store the files on a completely independent system, such as an offline hard drive or a secure cloud backup system, for example. Generally, companies save copies of this data on external servers so that they cannot be affected in the event of an attack on the company's network.

It is essential that companies invest in technology and methods that ensure data security against attacks by hackers on the network or computers, since information about bank accounts, credit cards, balances, documents, in addition to various other types of files, is definitely not can fall into the wrong hands.

The loss of data in companies, in most cases, is a consequence of a failure in the company's security schemes. Probably because of low quality and/or outdated anti-virus and anti-malware software. These are relatively easy to fix vulnerabilities, which makes them high on any list.

The same goes for firewall schemes and encryptions used. Cyber ​​threats are in a constant process of specialization and improvement. If your company doesn't develop new ways to avoid them, they will soon outgrow your ability to prevent and/or remedy them. Even something unrelated, such as old management software, can cause problems in data storage and compromise the company's performance.

And when it comes to data security, we can help! Want to know how? Click here and leave your doubt and we will contact you!
